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INTERVIEW: Jewish and Arab women circle together in Israel. Honoring menstruation, menopause as a sacred journey, and post-menopause as a time of power.
‘Womb Visionary’ DeAnna L’am is a motivational speaker, workshop leader, author, and a trailblazer who defined the last missing pieces in women’s psyche today: harnessing the spiritual forces hidden in both Menstruation and Menopause. She has been leading workshops and certifying facilitators nationally and internationally for over 30 years.
DeAnna is author of:
- Becoming Peers – Mentoring Girls Into Womanhood
- A Diva’s Guide to Getting Your Period (translated into Italian, German, French, Spanish, Hebrew, and Arabic)
And founder of:
- Red Tents In Every Neighborhood – Global Network
- Purple Moon – Menopause as a Spiritual Journey
- Red Moon School of Empowerment for Women & Girls™
- International Red Tent Day (celebrated globally on November 8)
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